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The Impact We Make

We strive to support organizations who work locally and globally to create positive change, to support those in need, and most importantly, to share the gospel. We also provide direct aid to families and individuals who face urgent, immediate needs.

18+ Ministries Supported

10+ Individual Families With Immediate Needs

5+ Students Supported

$110,000+ Pro Bono Work for Nonprofits

Our Focus

We're called to be good stewards of the time and assets we're given. The more we have, the more we have to be responsble for, and we take that duty to heart, focussing most of our charitable efforts on these areas.


God sent Jesus Christ to Earth to offer all people the gift of salvation. We support ministries, missions trips, and nonprofits who work to share the gospel message at home and around the world.


We believe in the value of formal education and the doors it can open. We often provide gifts to graduating high schoolers and college students to help with education expenses.


From feeding the hungry to supporting mothers with an unexpected pregnancy, we often provide donations to nonprofits who have demonstrated success in these areas.

Immediate Needs

Providing aid directly to families and individuals during times of devastating medical emergencies and help with other immediate, short-term struggles.


A Few of Our Favorite Organizations